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You may email questions about PALM to:

You may leave a message for PALM staff here:
► 734-669-0172

These may be monitored infrequently in the off months, so please be patient.

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PALM is only possible due to the efforts of many dedicated staff volunteers. The committee meets monthly beginning in September to review the previous tour and begin planning for the next year. Each year, many volunteers return, but we also need new people as positions become available. Please consider donating a bit of your time to supporting PALM in the future!

We need SAG drivers every tour to help participants in need. We also need truck drivers every tour to drive baggage trucks from site to site.

Volunteer staff SAG and truck drivers do not pay the tour fee but must register, sign the participant waiver, have a standard driver’s license, and must be at least 21 years old. Two daily meals are provided.

To contact any staff member, please email and your message will be forwarded to the volunteer who can best assist you.